Your admission
Admission paperwork
To prepare for your admission to the San you will need to complete our admission forms. The most convenient way to do this is through our eAdmissions Patient Portal (access via the logo to the right). Your admission information is received and processed quickly, and your details are securely saved making future admission processes even easier.
You may choose to complete the forms manually, and if so you must then deliver them to us by hand, post or fax. Forms can be provided by your admitting doctor or downloaded below. You must complete Admission and Patient History forms, and your doctor will complete your Hospital Booking Letter and Consent to Treatment forms.
In most cases, your doctor will have explained what you’ll need to do to prepare for your procedure, and you also should have received a Pre-admission Booklet. Please read this carefully, as it contains everything you need to know about your stay, as well as information on our hospital accounts, location, parking, public transport options and much more. If you did not receive this booklet it is available to download below.
General admissions
Paediatric admissions
Maternity admissions
Preadmission Clinic
Depending on your reason for admission, you may need to attend our Preadmission Clinic (PAC) before your surgery. Your doctor, or the San, will let you know if this is required, and you can phone 02 9480 9115 to make your appointment. These appointments can happen weeks before your surgery, and we ask that you bring any admission paperwork and information you have been given by your GP or specialist including requests for specific tests, a list of your medications, and your medicare and health fund details.
Appointment lengths will vary depending on your specific pre-operative test requirements and discussions with our healthcare team members. You may also meet your anaesthetist at your appointment.
PAC appointments are considered to be outpatient visits for billing purposes and are not included in the cost of your inpatient hospital stay. You may have gap payments for tests and assessments after Medicare reimbursements, and you should check with your health fund regarding benefits you may be entitled to for outpatient services such as physiotherapy assessments.
When you need to arrive
If you are being admitted the day of your procedure you will be phoned by a staff member between 4.00pm and 9.00pm on the working day before admission, and they will explain your arrival time and pre-procedure instructions including fasting times.
If you are being admitted the day before your procedure, please arrive at the Access Centre on Level 4 of the Clifford Tower between 4.00pm and 5.00pm, unless your doctor asks you to come in earlier. You will then be taken to your pre-operative ward.
If you are coming to San Radiology & Nuclear Medicine as a day-stay patient please phone them on 02 9480 9850 to book your procedure. Staff will then contact you a few days beforehand to confirm the details of your arrival and procedure.
We endeavour to minimise the time you are waiting for your admission and procedure, however there may be longer than expected waiting times if unforeseen events arise with other patients undergoing procedures, or if pre-operative reviews or tests are requested by your doctors in the interests of your care.
Preparing to come to hospital
The preparation required for surgery will be dependent on your procedure, and your doctor will tell you if there are any specific medical requirements for you.
Generally, you should not eat or drink (except water) for at least six hours before your procedure, unless your doctor has indicated otherwise. You may drink water up to three hours before your admission. Your specific fasting instructions will be confirmed by staff when they confirm your admission time. It is important these instructions are followed, or your procedure may need to be postponed in the interests of your safety.
If you are required to use a powered medical device (eg CPAP, BIPAP, Kangaroo Pump) please bring it with you in clean, working order. It is your responsibility for the biomedical settings and working of the machine. The hospital may conduct an electrical safety check on your device prior to use.
If you take regular medications, including non-prescription medicines, you should discuss this with your doctor as there may be specific instructions regarding whether you cease or continue to take these. You can usually take your regular morning medications at 6.00am with a sip or water. If your procedure is in the afternoon, you can usually take any regular lunchtime medications at 11.00am with a sip of water. There are exceptions to these usual procedures for aspirin, anti-inflammatory, diabetic and herbal (complementary / alternative) medications so please see more information below if this applies to you.
Identifying patients at risk of experiencing delirium while in hospital
Any patient can experience delirium. Some patients are at increased risk - those aged 65 and over; those aged 45 and over if they identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people; and patients who have previously experienced delirium or who have cognitive impairment.
Delirium is a change in mental status that can be triggered by illness, surgery, injuries or medicines. Symptoms can develop over a short period of time, and while they usually last for only a few days they may persist for longer periods. Delirium occurs more often among older people, however it can occur at any age.
What to bring with you
It is essential that all patients bring the following with them when they are admitted:
- All entitlement cards e.g. Medicare / Safety Net / Veterans’ Affairs and Health Fund cards
- Any paperwork not already forwarded to the Hospital
- Relevant x-rays, scans or films
- Current medication (in their original containers) and prescriptions, including repeat forms
- Payment for estimate of gap between fund benefits and hospital fees, or total estimated costs of hospitalisation if you have no health insurance
- A hard case for your glasses (if required)
If you are staying overnight, please remember to bring a small overnight bag with sleepwear (including dressing gown and slippers) and personal toiletries. Do not bring unnecessary clothing or large suitcases, as these cannot be accommodated.
We advise you not to bring valuables, including jewellery and large sums of money, unless you are settling your account in cash on admission.
Planning for your discharge
Before coming to hospital you should consider how you will manage when you get back home. Talk to your doctor about potential changes in your physical capabilities and the expectations around your recovery, restrictions and if any rehabilitation may be required. If you live alone, consider if a family member or friend could stay with you for a few days when you go home. Also consider if you will have any difficulty moving about your home following surgery, such as up and down stairs.
You will need someone to drive or accompany you home. For overnight patients, discharge is usually before 10.00am. If you are transferring to another hospital transport will be arranged for you.
If it becomes clear during your stay that you will need ongoing nursing care after your discharge, we can help to arrange this.